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These words are my diary screaming out loud

Friday, January 04, 2013


I'm too young for this.

I attended the memorial service for my friend Ali on Friday. She was 40. Lung cancer took her, lung cancer that can't be blamed on smoking or any other bad habit, just genetics. She died last Friday after defying every prediction the doctors made for her over the last nearly 2 1/2 years.

My Facebook friend list has far too many people on it that are gone. Cancer has taken a couple, and war another. All young, and all reminders of how fragile life is. All reminders that none of us ever know when our last day on this earth will be. All reminders that we should all be living our lives every single day.

I never thought, when I was younger, that I would have lost friends at age 32. Who ever thinks that?

I'm a master procrastintor. At everything. But one thing I really want to try to never put off is making sure that those I love know that I love them, just in case. Because even though I am far too young for this, you never know.

Rest in peace, Ali. May love and music always surround you.

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