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These words are my diary screaming out loud

Sunday, April 10, 2011

30 day challenge, Day 4

Day 4-Your parents

My parents pretty much rock.  I'm not even sure where to start on this. Any couple that can successfully raise 6 pretty damn awesome kids.... I mean, you have to admire that.

My dad spent his career in the Navy. He was gone a lot when I was a kid, but I never felt like he wasn't around.  Of course, I'm definitely a little jealous of my youngest sisters, since he left sea duty for the last time when they were pretty little. But he was what I strived to be as a Naval officer, and to be honest, what I strive to be even today. He taught me that as long as you can wake up every morning, look yourself in the mirror, and feel good about yourself and who you are, nothing else matters.

My mom stayed home most of my childhood. She'd watch a neighbor kid after school here and there, and when my youngest brother was in pre-school, she started teaching there. When my parents moved back to the DC area after I graduated from high school, she went back and has been there ever since. Even after 6 kids at home, she still loves being around children, and is amazing with them.

Both of my parents volunteer any spare time they have with the Arthritis Foundation.  They're amazing people, and as bratty as I was as a teenager, I admire them and appreciate them now more than they'll ever know.

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