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These words are my diary screaming out loud

Monday, December 13, 2010

#Reverb10 December 13th

The Prompt: Action. When it comes to aspirations, its not about ideas. It's about making ideas happen. What's your next step?

This was a HUGE thing for me this year, bringing my life back on track and taking the necessary steps (moving back to DC, getting the government job, etc) to do so. So I guess the next thing I need to do is get back on track with the music.

For any new readers I may have acquired along the way here, I've been singing basically since I could talk and writing songs since I was about 12. But in the past few years, I've really let that slide. I think partly because of the stress of the huge life changes I've made, I just haven't been feeling that creative.

This year, I'm getting back on it. Matt has set up a pretty basic recording rig in our sunroom, and he wants to start recording, and he's been bugging me to write songs and sing vocals and for us to write together. And I think its time. I need to start writing again. I need to put that notebook I used to always keep on me back in my purse, and write things down as I think of them. I need to get them recorded.

And I need to sing more, in general!! Singing in my car is great and all, but it just doesn't cut it!

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