The Prompt: Ordinary joy. Our most profound joy is often experienced during ordinary moments. What was one of your most joyful ordinary moments this year?
Didn't we already do this one? Wasn't there a prompt about the best moment of the year? I would say the exact same thing, except for this one thing that happened yesterday...
Yesterday, for the first time in a really long time, I wrote again. A friend of Matt's came over last night to jam, and I ended up sitting with them just listening, and suddenly I was inspired in a way that I had not been in a really long time. A front was passing by, and I looked up at the sky and saw the line where the clouds ended and the clear sky began, and it was late afternoon so the colors of the sunset were starting, and the contrast between the two just reminded me of life a year ago and life now, and where Matt and I were and are now. And I just started writing. And it felt amazing! This ordinary moment of sitting in this amazing house, on the day after Christmas, with a glass (well, a Christmas paper cup really - classy, right?) of wine, and listening to two amazingly talented men play their guitars... It was just the inspiration I needed.
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